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How IPANEMA achieved 2.5x ROI through referrals and a rewards program?


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The majority of businesses wish to build a successful loyalty program to gain more customers and encourage repeat purchases. However, not many businesses take the correct approach. There is fierce competition in the fashion industry. Businesses that wish to stand out must differentiate themselves.
Hence, fashion outlets such as IPANEMA benefit from focusing on establishing a large and loyal customer base. It’s no surprise that rewards program that emphasize on referrals and data-driven engagement with members are increasingly powerful tools for the F&B industry. IPANEMA's membership base continues to grow exponentially as their members actively advocate for them, getting new customers and members in the process.
Are you on the hunt for new ways to enhance customer experience and stand out from your competitors?

Download this case study highlighting actionable insights and best practices, from strategizing to implementation. Understand how IPANEMA optimized its loyalty and rewards program to maximize results.