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How L'Oréal Increase 452% Sales From Reseller Through Social Commerce

cover loreal

Since 1979, L'Oréal Indonesia has become the leading fast-moving consumer goods company in Indonesia. L'oreal's journey with TADA started in October 2020 and managed to get a 468% increase in social commerce programs.

The collaboration began from the lack of online platforms that provide L'Oréal Professional and Matrix products without purchasing requirements. Especially during the pandemic, there are many drastic changes to cash flow. However, salon entrepreneurs still had to find solutions to support their businesses and employees. From this problem, L'Oréal decided to apply TADA's Social Commerce in a Virtual Franchise to help salon parties or their partners increase sales growth.

Currently, Loreal has managed to sell 10,481 products and a total growth value of 3,099 from orders, and of course, it will continue to grow.

Download this case study to learn more about strategizing and implementing TADA's Social Commerce and Virtual Franchise. Understand how L'Oréal has survived and continues to thrive even during the current pandemic.