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How Great Eastern Indonesia Successfully Deliver 9000+ Rewards and Redemption Towards Digital Loyalty Point by TADA

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Great Eastern Life Indonesia (Great Eastern Life) successfully delivers 9000+ rewards and redemption towards digital loyalty points by TADA. Great Eastern Life Indonesia experienced massive growth in 2020 with an increase in distributed dividends by more than 1400% in Q3.

As a form of appreciation to customers, Great Eastern Life Indonesia took the initiative to provide rewards. At first, they used physical vouchers sent directly to the customer and the seller partner. However, the delivery of physical vouchers encountered many obstacles because the process was long and convoluted.


In 2019, Great Eastern Life Indonesia started its journey with TADA to use points as a form of reward. The change in the form of rewards from physical vouchers into points turned out to have positive results. During the collaboration, TADA distributed more than 9 thousand rewards to more than 2 thousand customers and seller partners. From this points program, Great Eastern Life Indonesia managed to get revenue of more than 8 billion rupiahs for two years. 


This good development shows that TADA's Loyalty Points program has succeeded in helping Great Eastern to retain customers while increasing sales. Interested? Download this case study to learn more about how to implement TADA's Loyalty Points. Understand how Great Eastern has developed and continues to increase its customer retention and revenue with TADA.